Sunday, March 3, 2013

Something Something for Everyone - Jill's March 2013 Playlist

Listen here: 2013-03 MARCH Jill

Happy March!!!! Spring is in the air, so let's listen to old music! okay, and some new-ish music that sounds old. Okay, let's listen to whatever we feel like.  Here's this month's random collection of tunes that satisfy my ears. 

1. Hate Street Dialogue - Rodriguez
I probably should just post the entire soundtrack to Searching For Sugar Man for my monthly list and get it over with because let's face it, I am head over heels in love with all things Rodriguez (music-wise that is). The movie just won an Oscar for best documentary.  The story is so incredibly tied to a specific time and places that it could really only happen once... but the story of music transcending, bridging cultures is timeless and happens constantly, over and over again.

2. Missing Pieces - Jack White
I had to re-listen to this after the Grammys (saw the album nominated). I like the Edward Scissorhands of modern whatever you call today's cool music guy. And like Rodriguez, Jack White is from Detroit. Just doesn't get more real than Detroit. (this connection was made after I'd selected this order for my playlist btw)

3. One Love To Another - Edward Sharpe & The Magnectic... something
To be honest, the way I make up a monthly playlist is kind of random. I dump tons of songs, albums, artists that interest me into a "grab bag" playlist on Spotify and then shuffle and listen over a few weeks. Songs that catch my ear get dumped into finalist playlist for monthlies. So, when this song caught my ear, I thought it was one of the ancient reggae bands from some box set deal I'd tossed in the grab bag, BUT it turns out to be a not old band. (and one that I just featured last month, so now I forgot where I was going with this story...)

4. Cowboy Boots - Macklmore & Ryan Lewis
Alright, Macklemore grabbed my attention from headline on internet -- success without labels. Then my 10YO was singing Thrift Store the other day and I was obliged to listen more. And Voila! 

5. Something Something - Tippu 
Starts out all Van Halen-esque and grabs the ears then turns into a sort of Michael Doughty/Soul Coughing chant... and then the BRASS kicks in.  There is Something Something for EVERYONE in this one song. Very fulfilling meal of a track.  I don't know anything at all about Tippu. Not one thing except that I love this song -- well except that it's Bollywoodish and I was a huge fan of Benny Lava.  (you can bet I'll check out some more Tippu tracks over the next few weeks)

6. Happy Up Here - Royksopp
More happy.  Not a lot of words.  Just Happy & moving.

7. Halfway Up The Stairs - Rodriguez
Mmmhmmm I can put more than one Rodriguez song on my list if I want. I make the rules here.
This was a happy departure from some of Sixto's darker social commentary.  

8. You're Pretty When I'm Drunk - Bloodhound Gang
It's almost the theme to Fresh Prince, with kind of disgusting but mostly funny lyrics. Just silly.

9. Baby Jeans - The Wooden Birds
Strumming, girls with guitars, indigo-like girls.  I like songs about jeans.  Jeans are such an integral part of life.  It's not by accident "jeans" are a homophone with "genes".

10. Light Up in The Sky - Gringo Star
Back in the day (a few years ago) when Daytrotter was really really free I found Gringo Star, so when this band popped up on Spotify I listened some more.  There's nothing terribly memorable about this track, but it kept me awake and moving while I was working on something... so I developed an attachment. 

11. Five Green Queens and Jean - The Pogues
token song by Irish band in honor of St. Patty's Day.

12. Trouble Town - Jake Bugg
Bugg does a good homage to sound of Sanford Clark sound (a 1950's singer I read about in Keith Richard's bio mentioned as an early influence). 

13. Jailhose Tears - Lucinda Williams
So I've been a Lucinda fan since Car Wheels (back when I lived in WXPN territory).  Add Elvis Costello and well, it's just a win win!

14. Portobello Belle - Dire Straits
Yep, I stalk my Spotify friends to see what they listen to... that way I get reminded just how cool Dire Straits is and stuff like that.  

Check it out on Spotify: